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a) Identifying recycled and/or recyclable visual elements
in local culture (work in group)
- discovering the neighborhood with a camera
- exhibition visits 
b) Identifying recycled and/or recyclable visual elements
in culture of origin (individual work):

- finding objects at home: cloths, photos, wall or table decoration, etc.
- exhibition visits 
Activities based  on practices tested and documented by RE-STOR-E partnership

(part of the curricuulum)
Objectives :
  • (re)discovering and enhancing one's own visual heritage in parallel with that of the hosting environment.-
  • by expressing feeling, ideas and aesthetic judgment, "outside" and "inside" - create dialogue between
  • create connections by discovering resemblances in different visual heritages
  • take a new look at things they usually don't observe
  • acquire or improve personnel skills in visual self-expression combined with verbal self-expression
  • acquire technical skills in visual content making
  • discover and comprehend the complexity of the concept of recycling
Possible instructions:
  • Find forms or patterns that remind you other forms or patterns from your culture of origin 
  • Find visual elements : forms, ornaments or materials that you like and which could be used elsewhere, in a new object with a different function. 
  • Find things that you don't like but which could be transformed into something you like by using your own skills, cultural and visual references.
Oriented parallel analysis through visual and verbal documentation
(storytelling through photos, videos, interviews)
Possible instructions:
  • Find forms or patterns that remind you other forms or patterns from local culture
  • Find visual elements : forms, ornaments or materials that you like and which could be used elsewhere, in a new object with a different function. 
  • Find things that you don't like but which could be transformed into something you like by using skills and knowledge you acquired in your hosting culture.
When visiting an exhibition, find visual elements : images, patterns or ornaments that might have been recycled, borrowed from an other culture, find recycled materials or find out how the creators' or artists' skills and knowledge has been recycled.
Instructions for newly discovered objects :

Tell the object's story, where does it come from, to whom it used to belong, why is  pretty or meaningful ?  In what way could it be recycled, adapted to your hosting community's taste ?
Instructions for personal objects :

Tell the object's story, where does it come from, to whom it used to belong, why is  pretty or meaningful? In what way could it be recycled, adapted to your hosting communnity's taste ?
Instructions to improve technical skills in visual content making and filming each other: framing, stabilizing images, lightening and sound environment.
Based on experience acquired during the research phase
Create a new object, image, animated movie by recycling newly discovered visual elements and/or materials, unused objects 
Visual and verbal documentation of the creative process
with specific instructions
Sharing your work through physical and digital, online forums
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