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Digital Tools & Creations



1. Improving skills in digital content making

2. Reflecting on one’s own learning mechanisms and developing self-awareness. 


Time frame

From 90 minutes to and 180 minutes

Material needed

Internet connection

Basic skills in to use webpage creating tools (ex : Wix platform websites editing)


This activity is recommended for people of all age or sex, but particularly to young people that own basic knowledge in using computers.

You can use this activity instead of verbal debriefing at the end of your workshop sessions. It incites participants to better formulate what they learnt.


You can introduce visual elements into the conclusion of a workshop. In fact, you can make a whole activity out of it and encourage people to tell about what they learnt through both visual and textual elements put together within a nice layout.

The exercise consists of creating a very simple webpage (one page only) using any free homepage creating online applications such as WordPress, Weebly or Wix.

We highly recommend Wix for the simplicity of its use.

If you're just about to discover webpage creation, you can find tutorials here

The content you make can be based on any previous activity chosen from the discovery and/or the creative phase. You will only need a photo and/or short video collection made during this activity.


1. To prepare the workshop, create a few simple pages on Wix: one/2 or three participants.

2.  Ask the participants to recall what they have learnt  during the creative workshop. You can help them by resuming the activities.


Ask them to find out together what were the most important experiences they had learnt. 

3. To co-create the online story, form small groups of two or three persons. You will need one computer for each group. 

4. Give access to each group to a separate site. It is very important not to work on the same one because you won’t be able to edit it at the same time.

They can either use your own account and create several sites in advance or you can let them create them create their own accounts to practice this technical part of the process.

In the first case, you have to invite them to become co-administrators.

sign up_edited.jpg


5. Show the participants how to upload the images and videos they made previously.

6. Tell them to choose images which illustrate the best their newly acquired experiences and ask them to upload the images on their websites.

7. Tell them to think about short sentences or titles describing these experiences and to write them down.

8. Show them different layout options on Wix and explain how to make them.


9. Ask them to co-design a layout with their photos and texts.

10. Make a presentation session when each group can show its online creation.

11. In addition to acquiring skills in digital creation, with this complex digital exercise, you can compare and analyze the similarities and differences between the experiences of groups.


Check out the webpages that we created within our Paris training about our experiences of the previous workshops.

We split into 4 groups by partner organisations to rethink about our newly learnt skills, challenges and good experience during the workshops which were:

- Up-cycling household waste with molding technique

- Exploring textures with your camera

- Drawing in space with metal wires

- Stop motion movies

Each group had a different interpretation of the exercise:

Il Salone dei Rifiutati concentrated on the transformation of the materials, on capturing light, and on the changed perspective thanks to a different vision on materials shown through digital images. They chose a complex  and descriptive style to tell their visual story.

CRN's group concentrated on the creative process emphasizing the discovery phase and the learning process. They put the accent on the challenges they faced including frustration as an integral part of the learning process in a humorous style.

Artemisszió described the creative process by concentrating on the mental process that one goes through while creating. They have chosen a minimalist style for the layout with  condensed short verbal messages.

COTA described personal stories and put the accent o personal encounters through creativity.

Recommendations to use"Online Storytelling" with other activities:

Online storytelling as most of the digital tools and activities are adapted to any of the suggested discovery and creative activities.

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